As you may have noticed, two of our dumpsters were moved from the upper cul de sac to the lower. This is necessary for increased efficiency and use of resources in trash removal. It was also made at the request of upper area residents who have housed ...
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Dumpster Days Are Here Again
Dumpster Days are here again!
Friday, May 18th through Sunday, May 20th
Time for Spring Clean Up!
Unwanted items for disposal will be accepted at the Barn by our Maintenance Staff between the hours of 8am—4pm. No dumping after hours!
Our ...
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PF Lighting & Wiring Project Plans
Common Element Lighting and Electrical Wiring Project Has Officially Begun
Please see below for the specs and placement of the new light poles and lampheads throughout Providence Forge, as well as photometrics that will show ...
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Annual Meeting of the Association Announced
The Annual Meeting of the Association will be held on Monday, May 14, 2018, at the Barn. The meeting will commence promptly at 7:00pm, and will conclude by 8:00pm. All residents and homeowners are encouraged to attend.
The Council will announce ...
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Have You Registered for Pool Passes?
The PF Pool Committee is happy to announce that our pool will open for the 2018 swimming season on Saturday, May 26th. Below please find information regarding our streamlined pool pass registration.
Please be advised that the Providence Forge Swim ...
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