New couch? Getting a delivery of a new comfy mattress? If you did not have your old stuff hauled away, you may arrange to have your bulk item picked up at no charge by our trash removal service (some restrictions apply).
2025 JP Mascaro Bulk Pickup Guidelines
For any bulk pickup needs, Residents must call 610-779-8807 directly and confirm specifically that you are speaking with the Berk’s office. The staff will schedule your curbside pickup and provide instructions pertinent to your arranged pickup. Please be sure to call back on the day of your scheduled pickup if you see your item has not been picked up. Discarded items remaining on the Common Elements overnight will be subject to fine, so please move your bulk trash back onto your patio for the night if your pickup has been delayed or rescheduled.
J.P. Mascaro offers bulk pickup on a monthly basis only, typically on the first Wednesday of each month (if that day is a holiday, it will be the following day {Thursday}). Please note: your bulk item may not be set out until after 10pm on the night prior to your confirmed pickup time. BULK ITEMS MAY NOT BE DISCARDED IN OR AROUND OUR DUMPSTERS. Violators will be fined.
After 10pm the night before your scheduled pickup, bulk items should be place on the jetties in between the parking spots around the development. If the item is too large for a jetty, please place on the grass at edge of the sidewalk. The item needs to be easily located by the JP Mascaro crew as they drive through the development.
Only one large item per address per month is allowed under our contract. You will be charged by J.P. Mascaro directly for any additional bulk pickup requests.
Please notify our office with your confirmed bulk pickup request by calling 610-948-6105 or by sending an email to [email protected]. We hope this arrangement helps you when you have larger items to be discarded.
Bulk items include household furnishings, tires, bicycles, stoves, microwaves, washers, etc. If you dispose of old carpet/rugs, please cut them up into 3′ or 4′ sections and tie with twine for easy handling. Sofas, recliners, mattresses, and box springs must be wrapped in plastic. Appliances containing Freon, such as refrigerators, freezers, and air conditioners, require advanced notification before removal. Refrigerators, air conditioners, and other cooling units must have freon removed and be tagged by a professional freon removal service. A maximum of four carpet rolls, each no longer than four feet in length, will be collected. Cans, boxes, or bags full of smaller trash items are not collected as bulk trash. Building materials, railroad ties, and automotive parts and tires will not be collected.