As announced at the Annual Meeting, our Council and Dennis Mahoney, our Lead Maintenance, reviewed multiple bids (new and updated) and after careful consideration, contracted with Lyons & Hohl Paving located in East Earl, PA. We believe they are the best contractor to perform the scope of work for our community and our budget. They have excellent references, such as our neighboring community, Roboda, to much bigger commercial jobs such as Longwood Gardens.
Council agrees that this is a less than perfect time to plan to upgrade our roadways, but we are obligated to follow the Reserve Study. Council has been communicating at our annual meetings even before the pandemic the importance of completing this project and that this was well overdue the expected life span. We cannot wait any longer as our roads are crumbling, our speed bumps are falling apart and potholes, cracks, etc. are beyond disrepair.
The total cost for this project is expected to be approximately $380,000. With owner assessments from 2022 in the amount of $193, 500 collected to date, and this assessment totaling $200,000, that is anticipating that everyone pays their assessment on time, we will have the funds to pay the project in full. As a reminder, major projects such as this are funded through Special Assessments, not our monthly Common Expenses. It is essential that everyone pays their assessment. We must start collecting now in order to have the money due in time to pay the contractor in full. We are tentatively on the schedule to complete the project in late fall.
We apologize for the short time between the official publishing of the Notice and its due date, as we were at a standstill until we could install a new Board.
The amount of $1,000 can be paid in full, in two payments of $500, or four payments of $250, but please make every effort to make your payment as soon as possible so that we are able to pay the contractor in full.
You will soon see your Special Assessment Invoice for $1,000 reflected on your Danella Realty account with a due date of December 1st; it will not be mailed to you. (You are able print it from your account.) Payments must be payable to Providence Forge Association and sent to Danella Realty just as you do your Common Fees.
The payment schedule options for the $1,000 to be paid is as follows:
- One payment of $1,000 Paid in Full due December 1st
- Four (4) equal payments of $250 due the 1st of each month, September through December
- Two (2) equal payments of $500 due October 1st and second payment due December 1st
All payments must be received in full by December 1, 2023.
The Council is confident with the selection of Lyons & Hohl Paving who will perform all this work. We look forward to a community that is fully functional, attractive and aesthetically appealing, resulting in increased property values and safety for our homeowners and residents within the Providence Forge community. We appreciate your support.
Please check back here for updates on this major project as they become available.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Association in writing at [email protected].
Thank you.
PF Special Assessment Resolution 2023 adopted August 10, 2023